Rumble in the jungle indeed. Well it feels like it anyway. A little stir in the underbrush, the palm leaves are rustling...yes there could be a way out of here, a small dot of light can be seen. We have been watching back to back episodes of Man versus Wild with Bear Grylls, former SAS guy. We KNOW we can get out of here alive. Just a little further. We were told today by our fearless leader SS, that we MAY be given the key to the magical kingdom around the
28th January. So that sounds good huh? The Real Estate agent, from the opposing tribe has actually said if we want to leave camp early that's great as the camp owners wish to resume their place at Tribal Council campfire. So we have our torches ready to hand to Jeff Probst and hopefully the game of Survivor should be nearing an end.
Now, today we have organised by drums, the carpet tribesman and tiler tribesman for the first week of Feb. We have visited the glass tribe and they have shown us a great colour Jarrah for the splashback. I love it, BUT it will have a medium metallic as one has to have *sparkle* especially after a year in the jungle. The cost was quite suprisingly good. A few stumbles have occurred with fittings but they are actually not so bad so we will accept them as is. We have noticed a bird has been in the camp as it has left it's crappola on the windows and goodness knows where else inside. eeewwwww. The new campfire will be see Sydney wide as we have 50 downlights, oh how bad. One of my HomeOne Forum buddies 'justcamping' says she will have to put her sunnies on to put the bins out...bahahahahaha, funny girl that one! They should get their keys about a week or so after us. Double immunity idols for us two. It's been great to have support in such a testing environment.