This is a pic of our very frosty Sir Walter. We are so spoilt and not used to frost at all, so we were quite shocked when this greeted us the other morning. Needless to say all the Bromeliads were quickly covered with beach towels (to encourage sweete dreams of sunnier times) the next evening to keep Mr J. Frost at bay.
As you can see Miss C has tried her hand at Interior Design. She much preferred the teddy's in here than where they SHOULD BE in HER room.
No it's not staying blue. Which leaves the question, which colour to paint it? Well by now you will know that my personal standard answer would CHOCOLATE. Although the mind boggles dosn't it?
Perhaps PURPLE, or maybe PINK, how about AQUA? Mmmm....sounds like a packet of M and M's. *insert laughing face here*. The post tops will be cut off, but I want to see how much some bamboo capping would cost., although I think we have spent enough on this stupid dumb thing already. Lucky S is handy with a hammer isn't it. Saved us entertainment unit's worth of dollars in labour.
Yes, well it looks like the sound barrier for the M5 don't ya' think? That could have been the new buffet we wanted. Instead it was spent on this visual nightmare. Not even a tiny offer of assistance from those "on the other side". Very dissapointing. With a capital "D".
So the stool saga continues, yes it does, I can hear you sigh. As it stand now, since we have contacted the Dept. of Fair Trading, the store will visually check themselves, 4 new stools tomorrow and they will be delivered to us and the old ones taken away. I am praying that they are up to standard. Please 'God In Charge of Stools', make these stools perfect. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE. I know that you are all saying the same thing so that you don't have to read another chapter of it all...
I have started to rearrange the garden out the back. Well basically I pulled out most of what I had planted and moved it. That's what gardening is isn't it? The plant Macarena. You just line them all up, plant them and then move them around until they are back where they were originally. ahhhhh ....Macarena....hey!