Playing for change, have a listen, I defy you not to sing along...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Snags alive

Yes well, the hot damn barbie has arrived. Well half of it anyway.
Nice huh?
We had a great Grand Final sausage sizzle on it and there were no complaints to be heard.
Of course it could also be said that some pretty scrumptious salads were served up as well (courtesy of our delightful guests) as great company and atmosphere.
The other half of the barbie, being the wok burner was
(you guessed it, story of my life) - Out Of Stock.
Maybe someone should start a line of stores called "Out of Stock", it would be a hit. Especially if they actually weren't out of stock. Gee now that would be a novel idea huh?

Ok so as you know, if you stand still long enough in my backyard I will dig you up and plant something in your spot.
So I found a spot that I COULD actually dig up and have started a Herb/Vege garden.
Was going to get one of those colourbond above ground garden contraptions but hey, this was free. Good old Mother Earth. It is teaming with wormies, fabulous. So while S was not looking I snuck this herb garden in. I intend to "extend" it and get rid of the red wash tub to allow for more room.

This cutey pie plant above is Dianthus barbatus 'Green Trick'
I love it. I bought it at the ABC Gardening Show. Very different. These are my first 2 flowers.
(I can hear you saying, "Cute? CUTE?? how in the world is THAT cute?". Yes well as I said I can HEAR you saying that, so SSHH!)